Saturday, January 12, 2013

Professional Fur Alteration - Best Fur Alteration From the Best Furrier

Certified Fur Remodeling NYC Remodels and Fur Repair

Bring in or send us your precious fur coat, fur jacket, or fur stole that you can no longer wear due to wrong size, fur style out of date or a fur that you inherited and just don't want to give up. Don't let your fur coats go to waste, restyle them!

We will take the fur pelts, remodel your once treasured fur to an up to date wearable style, which you can enjoy for many additional years. We can make new fur vests out of old fur coats, make a headband out of the scraps, or create a fur teddy bear for your child!

Our Fur Remodeling Program, insures you that your fur will be handled properly and look beautiful after we transform it into a fur with modern appeal. Our taylors have been in the fur business for decades and they are very professional when it comes to handling furs.

Give your Fur a second life, Trust the Professionals.

Best Fur Remodeling Program. Pick a style and we will transform your fur.

An outdated mink coat turned into a gorgeous swing stroller with a hood


An old demi mink coat given a fresh new modern look


An old fashioned white fur jacket made into a very cute vest for fall


A very old mink coat turned into an adorable little fur teddy bear


***We provide Expert Fur Repairs , Fur Alterations and Fur Remodeling to your garment in order for your
Fur too keep young and beautiful again.

Marc Kaufman Furs Inspects your fur by our professional furriers
to make sure your that any other additional damage isn't on your
fur. Rips and Tears are the most common repairs and require our
furriers to open the lining of the garment to reinforce the torn
area and sew it back up again. The fur repair will not be visible from
outside the garment.

We can also alter your fur a fur remodeling program to design a current style.
When your favorite fur becomes outdated,. bring it to us and we will
change it to have the new modern look.

Fur Storage NYC, Fur Cleaning NY,  Fur Repair and Expert Fur Remodeling


Marc Kaufman Furs NYC


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